Most people are at least familiar with the term SEO, short for “search engine optimization.” Generally, it refers to a set of tactics that digital marketers use to improve how high a website (or individual webpage) shows in search results.
But one thing you might not be aware of is that SEO is a very broad field, and even has two major “disciplines”—Organic SEO and Local SEO. For your business or organization to have an effective online presence, it’s critical to understand how both types of SEO apply to long-term success
What Is Organic SEO?
Organic SEO focuses on how your website itself attracts search traffic. An organic SEO strategy often involves building internal and external hyperlinks, making sure your site’s metatags are optimized, improving load times, performing keyword research, and making sure on-page content is properly targeted toward the kinds of terms your preferred customers search for.
Good organic SEO takes time, but ultimately helps you direct more and more of the ideal leads you want toward your website.

What Is Local SEO?
Local SEO is all about boosting the visibility of your brick-and-mortar location(s) when users perform a search that Google understands as location-based.
When someone in your neighborhood searches “coffee shop near me” or even just “coffee shop,” Google will show them a map with listings of local spots, and the organic results below the map will show websites of coffee shops in the area. Local SEO is all about making sure you show up when people nearby are searching for what you offer.
A local SEO specialist might be focused on making sure your listings on Google My Business and other relevant third-party sites (Yelp, Foursquare, business-specific rating sites, etc.) are claimed, verified, and have accurate and detailed profiles (especially name, address, and phone number). Helping you build a solid review strategy for those listings is also an important component.
How It All Ties Together
While organic and local SEO use very different kinds of tactics, working hard at both will produce much better results than focusing on just one or the other—both in terms of your search rank, as well as your bottom line.
When potential leads first encounter you online, they may be at many different stages of the “buyer’s journey.” Some are just trying to learn more about something they want or a possible solution to a problem. Others may know exactly what they need and are ready to commit right now.
By focusing on both organic and local SEO, you are helping Google understand that you are a trusted resource for many kinds of search queries, and that you can fulfill people’s needs. That, in turn, helps you generate more traffic, more leads, and more business—especially in your targeted demographics.
Hire the Experts to Keep You On Top of Search Engines
As with everything else in the world of Internet marketing, the best practices for organic and local SEO are always changing. When any new algorithm update has the potential to dramatically shift your spot on the rankings page—and with it, your fortunes—having an expert hand on the SEO wheel has never been more important.
If you’re not showing up where you want to be on search pages or in the local “3 pack,” reach out to your account manager today or contact us online. Our dedicated team is always working hard to get our clients to the top of the rankings—and keep them there!
Why Choose Us?
If we can fit your needs (and we’ll plainly tell you if we don’t think we can), we have the experience to back up our claims.
We know Internet marketing inside and out. We know what works, we’ve learned first-hand what doesn’t, and we work closely with our clients to promote their unique specialties and help them attract more of the ideal customers they want to see.
We’re here to offer a full range of marketing services—from web development to branding to content marketing, social, video, SEO, PPC ads, email, reputation management, and more. Not every other firm out there is able to say that.
To request your no obligation marketing consultation, just complete the form on this page. Your next step will always be up to you.